In the PC Unit of the Dean of Students Office, our students are served by clinical specialist psychologists, psychologists, and psychological counselors. In addition, through service procurement, psychiatrists, clinical specialist psychologists, psychologists, and psychological counselors are employed, and a team of nine people supports the personal health problems of our students. Interviews with our experts are carried out in line with professional ethics and principles. The principle of trust and confidentiality is fully fulfilled. The conversations you have will not be shared with other people without your permission. However, the people you mention in the first meeting can be contacted when your life or someone else’s life is in danger. Even in this case, you will be contacted before sharing information with others.

PRIVACY POLICY                              

Interviews with our experts are carried out in line with professional ethics and principles. The principle of trust and confidentiality is fully fulfilled. The conversations you will make will not be shared with other people without your permission. However, when your life or someone else's life is in danger, the people you mentioned in the first meeting can be contacted. Even in this case, you will be contacted before sharing information with others.


In case of emergency:

If the person has thoughts/plans about harming themselves or others

If the person is/has been behaving that may endanger the life of others or himself/herself, contact Yıldız Alo Security Center (2155) and/or Health (112) immediately.

If the person(s) wants to receive psychological support afterward, please contact the Psychological Counseling Unit.


If you want to get information about applying to the Psychological Counseling Unit, you can call 0212-383 6054 between 09:00 and 16:00 on weekdays.

Dean of Students Student Satisfaction Survey

Tel : 0212 383 6054